I'm posting because I don't understand why this product is so bad and if there is real world testing before it is released.
- * Every time I get a patch and reboot on my machine, the software opens exponential copies of whatever was open before reboot. Even when I go through and close them, the next time it's open those same windows but double or triple. I have well over 400 recovered duplicate windows open right now that I have to spend time sorting through. I just closed 297 copies of something I was writing, at various stages of the process. This wastes my time
* The program will not respect my indentation but will constantly be one tab wrong to the right or left and I have to continually correct that is frustrating. This wastes my time
* Having the console environment drop down window able to be changed during a mouse over event is a flaw and easily triggered unintentionally when going back and forth from the IDE to the console. This scrollable behavior should have been caught in testing and disallowed unless the drop down button was clicked. This wastes my time
* The console will freeze up and not respect "ctrl+c" leaving you the choice of restarting the console and losing all of your variables in memory or trying to hope it decides to work properly. This wastes my time
* The IDE will slow to a crawl when the code is a couple of thousand lines and you have to put anything in quotes or add to anything that's already in quotes. This wastes my time
* I can't increase the size of the console window line count, even the Windows cmd window (designed in the 90's has this ability)
* Functions randomly expand themselves after you've compressed what is within the curly brackets (no I wasn't using the search function when this happened)
* You cannot debug with breakpoints a small part of the script without copying the entire script to a new runspace, which is absolutely pointless. Why can't I share runspace memory values as an option? Do you know how difficult it is to debug when your IDE prevents you from using break points?
Statistics: Posted by gte_2723 — Wed Jan 03, 2024 12:19 pm